Legal Fans

Legal Fans is a full-service content protection solution designed to safeguard your premium content, prevent illegal sharing, and maximize your earnings.

The advanced AI-powered technology automatically tracks and removes unauthorized copies of your content across the internet, helping you protect your brand and revenue with ease.

Seamlessly integrate with your content platform or vault to automate DMCA takedown requests and search engine delisting, ensuring your exclusive content stays where it belongs. Legal Fans’ AI algorithm continuously monitors public posts, subscription-based images and videos, private messages, and even livestreams, stopping piracy before it impacts your business.

With flexible pricing plans, you can choose the level of protection that fits your needs. The software keeps track of everything ever uploaded to your account, whether shared with your full audience, select users, or even just one person.

Take control of your content and secure your livelihood with Legal Fans, the most efficient, cost-effective, and fully automated digital rights protection solution for content creators.

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